Are you interested in staying on top of Wilde Lake news and events? Do you know your neighbors – or wish you knew them better? Are you seeking a flexible, interesting volunteer opportunity? Become a Wilde Lake Neighborhood Representative – a Rep for short!
What is the role of a Wilde Lake Rep? Reps get to know the residents on their streets and in their buildings and foster two-way communication with them about resident priorities and needs as well as WLCA activities. The goal is to foster a feeling of community and positive support throughout Wilde Lake.
What kinds of activities might a Rep undertake in our village? Core activities are listed below, but we encourage Reps to make the role their own.
- Connecting Neighbors to WLCA and Vice Versa: Reps serve as points of contact with neighbors on their street and bring the needs, ideas, and issues affecting those neighbors to WLCA, while also directing neighbors to appropriate WLCA staff when needed.
- Sharing WLCA Information. Reps share social media posts, e-newsletters, grant information, and other virtual updates from WLCA.
- Information Collection. WLCA surveys residents occasionally, and Reps can help make sure that all residents have a say in these surveys by encouraging neighbors to complete surveys online or on paper.
- Promote and Participate in Events. Reps encourage residents to participate in Village and CA community events, including specifically the annual Village Elections.
What is the time commitment? Initially, there may be a few hours required to meet your neighbors if you don’t already know them. After that, core activities should require just an hour or two a month. Almost all activities can be done on your own schedule.
Questions? Contact Lexi Levy Milani at or via phone at 410-730-3987 if you need additional information or want to sign up. We welcome all to participate!