Columbia Council Rep Report

CA Board Work Session March 8, 2018

These notes reflect Nancy’s viewpoint only.

The official minutes of the Columbia Association Board meetings can be found on the CA website at: 

Nancy encourages you to send her your comments on her notes. Please reply to her directly at [email protected] 

Columbia Association Board of Directors Work Session

March 8, 2018


During this work session, Board members discussed issues that they hope to tackle during next year’s Board sessions. The Board also discussed HRD, commercial covenants, and the role Villages and CA play in the commercial covenants issues.  It is very complex, but feel free to look at the packet on the Board page of the CA website.   Questions, please feel free to contact me.

The work session was brief last night but I do want to let people know the following plans for the Athletic Club:

  1. Athletic Club shutdown is targeted for May 2018.
  2. Sports & Fitness Staff is working to move as many classes as possible from the Athletic Club to other places.
  3. The goal is to have these classes occur at about the same time as they currently occur.
  4. CA will utilize the other facilities (Supreme, Columbia Gym, and Haven) and possibly will rent space in other buildings.
  5. It is difficult to work all the classes into the existing schedules at other facilities and they have to find instructors.
  6. All the details aren’t finalized, but staff is working hard to get everything confirmed/nailed down.
  7. Big renovations are underway at Supreme right now in order to get the building in order for the Athletic Club shutdown and to minimize any necessary renovations at Supreme during the shutdown.

The Supreme Sports Club is undergoing renovations as well.  The renovations will also help with overflow of members from the Athletic Club.

The information is as follows:

  1. Beginning March 5, the lower level locker rooms and racquetball courts will be closed for approximately 5 weeks.
  2. Beginning March 12, the upper level fitness floor will be closed.  The lower level free weight room, women’s gym, group fitness studios arena and pool will remain open.
  3. Beginning March 19 the free weight room will close for construction.

During free weight room and upper level fitness floor closures, Supreme 1Fit Members are invited to use Columbia Athletic Club and Columbia Gym.

Please visit to get more information or speak to staff at the club you use.  They are happy to explain how the renovations will impact you.

Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to sleep Saturday night – or Sunday morning.  This weekend begins Daylight Savings time.

Kind regards,

Nancy McCord

[email protected]