A regular meeting of the Wilde Lake Village Board was called to order by Kevin McAliley, Chair, on January 7, 2019 at 6:33pm at Slayton House, Columbia, Maryland. Members present were Kevin McAliley, Chair; Laura Torres, Vice Chair; Mary Calder; Bess Caplan; Stephen Mowatt; Nancy McCord, Columbia Council Rep; Kristin Shulder, Village Manager; and Carole Black, Board Secretary. Also present were Carl McKinney, Covenant Advisor; resident Melvin Whitfield; and Anita Bonsal, Absolutely Wine and Spirts.
Mr. Mowatt made a motion, seconded by Ms. Torres, to approve the agenda for January 7, 2019. All in favor.
Ms. Calder made a motion, seconded by Ms. Torres, to approve the minutes of December 3, 2018. All in favor.
Resident Speakout
Anita Bonsal, owner of Absolutely Wine and Spirits, notified the Board of the Liquor Board hearing on January 29 regarding a proposed liquor store in Town Center. She asked if this could be publicized in the newsletter to notify residents.
Discussion: Covenant Training
Mr. McKinney explained the 2-step process for submitting an application for architectural approval. First the RAC reviews the application and residents are given the opportunity to present their applications and hear different points of view. Secondly the application is signed off by the Architectural Liaison, who represents the Architectural Committee (Village Board).
Once an application is approved, it cannot be appealed.
Mr. McKinney also talked about the non-residential application process, which was originally created when the Architectural Committee was reviewing the renovations to the Village Center. It is a very lengthy process.
Mr. McKinney is working on revising some of the guidelines, such as installing a fence.
Request to Refer Non-residential Application for Exterior Alteration to the RAC Columbia Association – Faulkner Ridge Bio-retention Facilitiies
- Ms. Caplan made a motion, seconded by Mr. Mowatt, to recommend the application be reviewed by the RAC. All in favor.
Letter of Support – Howard County EcoWorks
Howard County EcoWorks is requesting additional funding from the county to continue its mission.
- Ms. Calder made a motion, seconded by Mr. Mowatt, to send a letter of support for Howard County EcoWorks. All in favor.
Discussion: Strategic Planning
The Board discussed the time commitment, and giving the community the opportunity to provide input. This should be an ongoing process. Ms. McCord recommended hired a professional strategic planning consultant.
Wilde Lake Village Water Main Replacement Project
Mr. McAliley provided an update on the timeline for this project. It is scheduled to begin this spring. A community meeting will be held to provide the residents with more information.
Columbia Council Rep: Ms. McCord reported that the budget just came out. Slayton House theatre renovations have been included. The CA Board is starting to work on its strategic plan.
AC Liaison: Ms. Calder reported that there were 5 applications, which were approved.
Education: Ms. Calder has signed up for all the school websites. There is a fundraiser at Shake Shack on January 15. There is a parent workshop on peer relationships and substance abuse at Oakland Mills Middle School on January 26. There is a box top collection in February.
Health and Wellness: Ms. Torres is working on a meditation program in March. We hope to partner Ca to offer a yoga class on April 28 at Wilde Lake Park.
Wilde Lake CARES: Ms. Caplan reported that there will be a cleanup on March 30. There will be a plant exchange on April 28 along with the Yoga on the Lake. This year the tree giveaway will be “take a tree, plant a tree”.
Neighborhood Reps: Mr. Mowatt is attending the HOA meeting at Hollow Oaks.
Manager: Ms. Shulder reported that the roofing project is ongoing.
Chair: Mr. McAliley received a thank you from the Horizon Foundation for support of the Bikeway. There is an art reception this Sunday.
- Ms. McCord made a motion, seconded by Ms. Calder, to adjourn the meeting at 8:30pm. All in favor.
Submitted by
Carole Black
Board Secretary
Approved 02/04/19
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