A virtual meeting of the Wilde Lake Village Board was called to order by Kevin McAliley, Chair, on September 13, 2021, at 6:33pm in a Zoom meeting. Members present were Kevin McAliley, Laura Torres, Tracey Manning; Tina Horn, Columbia Council Rep; and Kristin Shulder, Village Manager. Also present were Taylor Kleiner (new Wilde Lake resident/Partridge Courts), Jess Neubelt (Real Estate Development Manager, Enterprise Community Development).
Ms. Lopez made a motion, seconded by Ms. Horn, to approve the agenda for September 13, 2021. All in favor.
Ms. Manning made a motion, seconded by Ms. Lopez, to approve the minutes of August 2, 2021. All in favor.
There were no residents who wished to speak out.
Request for Support: Roslyn Rise
Jess Neubelt gave an overview of the redevelopment project and explained why Enterprise is asking the county for payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) and the APFO waiver. The Howard County Council will review the PILOT application and APFO (Adequate Public Facilities) waiver in a public meeting on September 20. The Howard County Planning Board will review the final site development plan in a public meeting on September 23.
Ms. Horn made a motion, seconded by Ms. Manning, to provide testimony in support of the PILOT application, APFO waiver and final site development. The motion carried, 3 in favor (Ms. Manning, Ms. Lopez, Ms. Torres) and one abstention (Mr.McAliley).
Discussion: Low-Impact Landscaping Bill
Ms. Shulder encouraged Board members to attend a meeting on September 21 hosted by Hickory Ridge Community Association. There will be two Howard County state delegates who will discuss the legislation and its intent. The Board will continue the discussion about revising the architectural guidelines and maintenance standards after the 9/21 session.
CA FY2023 Budget Requests
The Board completed the Must/Should/Nice table and priority list that were provided by CA to help prepare for the CA FY2023 budget process. Specific capital and operating requests include improvements to the Dance Studio HVAC system, Village Green renovations and stream restoration.
Discussion: Unapproved Alterations
This item was tabled for a future meeting.
Columbia Council Rep: Ms. Horn reported that two CA Board members recently resigned- Renee DuBois and Alan Klein. RHCA and HCCA will appoint new members.
Wilde Lake CARES: Ms. Manning reported that she is working on the Chesapeake Bay Trust grant to address environmental concerns at Bryant Square. This will serve as a model for other small HOAs to assist with common issues such as erosion, stormwater management, native plantings, etc.
She is working on setting up regular meetings with local HOAs to assist with common issues such as erosion, stormwater management, native plantings, etc.
The CA Climate Change Committee received preliminary results from the survey. It generally reported good news.
Health and Wellness – Ms. Torres reported that there will be a yoga class this Saturday as part of the Backyard Bash. There will be a bike ride on September 25. Ms. Torres registered for Walktober, which is a county initiative to encourage residents to walk.
AC Liaison: A written report is attached to the minutes.
Manager: A written report is attached to the minutes. Ms. Shulder encouraged the Board to attend the Backyard Bash on Saturday, September 18.
Chair: Mr. McAliley met with the director of the Howard County Library system who asked about having a mini-library at Wilde Lake Village Center. A representative from the The Third, which is a new organization supporting non-profits may invite the Board to visit. The Starbucks taping took longer than expected. The WLMS principal has expressed an interest in an after school program. More information to follow.
Ms. Horn made a motion, seconded by Ms. Torres, to adjourn at 9:01pm. All in favor.
Submitted by
Carole Black
Board Secretary
Approved 10/04/21