This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. Please email Kristin Shulder, Village Manager, at for login information if you would like to attend.
A virtual meeting of the Wilde Lake Village Board was called to order by Kevin McAliley, Chair, on June 7, 2021 at 6:34pm in a Zoom meeting. Members present were Kevin McAliley, Laura Torres, Christian Gourdin, Tracey Manning, Adriana Sanchez-Benitez (left at 8:30pm);Tina Horn, Columbia Council Rep; Kristin Shulder, Village Manager; Carole Black, Board Secretary. Also present was Nina Basu, President & CEO, Inner Arbor Trust (arrived at 7:30pm).
Ms. Torres requested the addition of discussion of additional pools to open this summer.
- Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Sanchez-Benitez, to approve the amended agenda for June 7, 2021. All in favor.
- Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Manning, to approve the minutes of May 3, 2021. All in favor.
There were no residents who wished to speak out.
Committee Appointments
Ms. Manning: first quarter; Ms. Horn, second quarter; Mr. Gourdin, third quarter; Mr. McAliley (tentatively) fourth quarter.
- Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Manning to approve these appointments. All in favor.
- Ms. Manning made a motion, seconded by Ms. Torres, to appoint Ms. Sanchez-Benitez as Chair of the Education Committee. All in favor.
Health and Wellness:
- Ms. Manning made a motion, seconded by Ms. Horn, to appoint Ms. Torres as Chair of the Health and Wellness Committee. All in favor.
Neighborhood Reps:
- Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Manning to appoint Mr. Gourdin as Chair of the Neighborhood Reps Committee. All in favor.
Wilde Lake CARES
- Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Manning, to appoint Ms. Manning and Bess Caplan as co-chairs of the Wilde Lake CARES Committee. All in favor.
RAC Appointment
- Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Manning, to appoint Steve Campbell as a member of the 2021-2022 RAC. All in favor.
Discussion: CA Staff Recommendation to open Faulkner Ridge Pool for Summer 2021
- Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Sanchez-Benitez, to send a letter of support to the CA Board to open Faulkner Ridge as an additional pool for the Summer 2021 season. All in favor.
SPECIAL GUEST: Nina Basu, President and CEO, Inner Arbor Trust
Ms. Basu gave a presentation on the Merriweather Public Arts Park. The IAT is working with Howard EcoWorks to raise funds for the Symphony Woods landscaping project.
Request for Donation: IAT/Howard EcoWorks Fundraiser
- Ms. Gourdin made a motion, seconded by Ms. Manning, to pass on making a donation at this time. The motion carried three in favor (Ms.Torres, Mr. Gourdin, Ms. Sanchez-Benitez) and two absentions (Mr. McAliley, Ms. Manning).
2021 Community Priorities for the County Executive
The Board updated previous requests and added repair of Faulkner Ridge Circle after damage from the water main replacement.
Discussion: Community Outreach
Mr. McAliley led a discussion on possible activities to engage the community.
Columbia Council Rep: No report
Wilde Lake CARES: Ms. Manning reported that she met with Co-Chair Bess Caplan to set up a steering committee meeting on June 17. Ms. Caplan will continue to do social media outreach. They will be contacting the HOAs on doing a similar program to Oakland Mills “yards alive” program for sustainable landscaping.
Health and Wellness – Ms. Torres is planning a yoga event in August and some informal bike rides.
Education: No report.
Neighborhood Reps: Mr. Gourdin is reaching out to the current list of members and has created a Facebook group.
AC Liaison: The RAC continues to meet via zoom.
Manager: Ms. Shulder invited the new board members to visit Slayton House.
Chair: Mr. McAliley did not have any additional information to report.
- Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Horn, to adjourn at 9:00pm. All in favor.
Submitted by
Carole Black
Board Secretary
Approved 07/12/2021
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