A regular meeting of the Wilde Lake Village Board was called to order by Kevin McAliley, Chair,on June 3, 2019 at 6:30pm at Slayton House, Columbia, Maryland. Members present were Kevin McAliley, Chair; Stephen Mowatt, Vice Chair, Bess Caplan, Bill Santos; Laura Torres, Kristin Shulder, Village Manager, and Carole Black, Board Secretary. Nancy McCord, Columbia Council Rep, was absent. Also present were Chris Tsien, Susan Tucker, Genie Wessel, Wilde Lake representative to the CA Senior Advisory Committee, State Delegate Terri Hill; Sara Via, Bob Marietta, John Klein, Tracey Manning and Betsy Singer, CA Climate Change & Sustainability Committee, and Brooke Abercrombie, Howard Eco-Works.
- Ms. Caplan requested the addition of recommendation to the Watershed Advisory Committee under order of business.
- Mr. McAliley requested the addition of Howard Eco-Works request for use of the Village Green for educational program on rain gardens under order of business.
- Ms. Caplan made a motion, seconded by Ms. Torres, to approve the amended agenda for June 3, 2019. All in favor.
- Mr. Mowatt made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan, to approve the minutes of May 6, 2019. The motion carried 4 in favor, one abstention (Mr. Santos).
SPECIAL PRESENTATION: CA Climate Change and Sustainability Committee
Sara Via presented background information about the mission and goals of the committee. They collaborate with other environmental organizations and recommend best practices for CA, as well as educating the community.
Special Guest: Genie Wessel, Wilde Lake Representative, Columbia Association Senior Advisory Committee
Ms. Wessel reported that the SAC will be meeting more frequently and are trying to get seniors to complete surveys regarding the CA facilities. The Health Department will be offering Narcan training.
Resident Speakout
- Delegate Terri Hill introduced herself and offered to attend future Board meetings if needed.
- Chris Tsien spoke in regard to his position on the proposed multi-use pathway along Twin Rivers Road. He expressed concern about providing a safe crossing for pedestrians and bikers at the intersection of Twin Rivers Road and Governor Warfield Parkway.
Appointment of Education Committee Chair
- Ms. Caplan made a motion, seconded by Ms. Torres, to appoint Bill Santos as Education Committee Chair. All in favor.
Nomination for Wilde Lake Representative to the Watershed Advisory Committee (WAC)
- Ms. Caplan made a motion, seconded by Mr. Santos, to recommend the appointment of Susan Tucker as the Wilde Lake representative to the WAC. All in favor.
Request for Support: Howard County Eco-Works
- Brooke Abercrombie, of Howard County Eco-Works, is asking the Board for support for their program “Soak it Up, Wilde Lake”, planned for July 27, using the Village Green. They will offer educational programs on stormwater run-off, climate change, a tree give away and tours of Wilde Lake HOA raingardens. Ms. Shulder will provide with Ms. Abercrombie with information about requesting use of the Village Green from CA.
Wilde Lake/Downtown Multi-Use Pathway
- There will be a Planning Board meeting on June 20. Mr. Mowatt will testify on behalf of the Board. There is a concern with safety at the intersection of Twin Rivers Road and Gov. Warfield Parkway.
- Mr. Santos made a motion, seconded by Ms. Torres, to support the proposal with reservations concerning the intersection. The motion carried 4 in favor, one abstention (Mr. McAliley).
Request for Donation: Community Ecology Institute
- Mr. Mowatt made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan, not to offer a financial donation to the Community Ecology Institute. All in favor.
Request for Support: CB 31-2019/ZRA-187
- Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan, not to take a position. The motion carried 4 in favor, one abstention (Mr. Santos)
Discussion: Neighborhood Feedback Survey
- Mr. Mowatt is working on the survey. He will send out a revised version.
Columbia Council Rep: No report
Wilde Lake CARES:
Ms. Caplan will meet with the steering committee next month
Education: Mr. Santos will contact the PTAs and go to back to school nights.
Health and Wellness: Ms. Torres is looking into wellness classes and yoga classes.
AC Liaison:
There were 5 applications, 3 were approved, one rejected and one approved with modifications.
Ms. Shulder announced that she hired a new Property Standards Evaluator.
Chair: Mr. McAliley reported that the Verizon property in Running Brook has been cleaned up. He participated in the Columbia on Foot walk in Wilde Lake with Barbara Kellner and Ned Tillman in May.
Mr. Santos made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan, to adjourn the meeting at 9:10pm. All in favor.
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