Village Board Meeting July 6, 2020

This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom.  Please email Kristin Shulder, Village Manager, at [email protected] for login information if you would like to attend.


A virtual meeting of the Wilde Lake Village Board was called to order via Zoom by Kevin McAliley, Chair,on July 6, 2020 at 6:31pm.  Members present were Kevin McAliley, Chair; Laura Torres, Vice Chair, Steven Campbell, Bess Caplan, Jeff Friedhoffer, Nancy McCord, Columbia Council Rep; Kristin Shulder, Village Manager, and Carole Black, Board Secretary. Also present were State Delegate Terri Hill and Ann Marie Simonetti, Director, Bryant Woods Montessori Children’s House.


Mr. Friedhoffer made a motion, seconded by Ms. Torres, to approve the agenda for July 6, 2020. All in favor.


Mr. Friedhoffer made a motion, seconded by Ms. McCord,  to approve the minutes of June 1, 2020. All in favor.

Special Guest: Ann Marie Simonetti, Director, Bryant Woods Children’s House

Ms. Simonetti presented a proposal to have exclusive use of Bryant Woods Neighborhood Center. She explained that, in addition to running the preschool program, they would offer other programs for the community. Currently, a church uses the building on Sunday, so other arrangements would have to be made to accommodate this group in order to allow the BW Montessori organization to have exclusive use.

Special Guest: State Delegate Terri Hill

  • Dr. Hill asked for input from the Board on their concerns for the needs for Wilde Lake
  • Ms. Caplan asked about enforcement of the use of masks. Dr. Hill said that currently masks are not required outside but are required in stores.
  • Ms. Caplan also expressed concern about the proposed development on Columbia Road and Route 108, which would impact Wilde Lake schools.

FY2020 4th Quarter Financial Report

Mr. Friedhoffer made a motion, seconded by Mr. Campbell, to accept the F2020 4th Quarter Financial Report.  All in favor.

SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan

Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Mr.. Friedhoffer, to request a loan of $20K according to designated terms. All in favor.

Discussion: Bridge Pathway Removal between Faulkner Ridge Circle and Green Mountain Circle

The bridge has to be removed because it is on an easement. CA Open Space is looking into other options. The Board wanted to know what options are being considered in order to keep the two neighborhoods connected.

2020 Community Priorities

The County Executive has asked for input on what concerns the village has that need to be addressed.

Some new concerns include enforcement of wearing masks and construction of bird safe buildings (less use of glass}.


Columbia Council Rep: Ms. McCord explained a lawsuit that CA has filed regarding Symphony of Lights.


Wilde Lake CARES: No report

Education: Mr. Friedhoffer reported he will get in contact with the principals in July to get information on the coming school year.

Health and Wellness: Ms. Torres reminded the Board about the Stress Management program on Tuesday, July 14.

Neighborhood Reps: Mr. Campbell has started advertising on Next Door, e-newsleter and HOAs.

AC Liaison: The RAC continues to meet via Zoom.


Ms. Shulder will send photos of 6 foot distancing plans for the rooms at Slayton House. .

Chair: Mr. McAliley asked board members to think of ideas of how to connect with residents.


Ms. McCord made a motion, seconded by Mr. Campbell, to adjourn the meeting at 8:52pm. All in favor.


Submitted by

Carole Black

Board Secretary

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