A regular meeting of the Wilde Lake Village Board was called to order by Stephen Mowatt, Vice Chair,on July 1, 2019 at 6:30pm at Slayton House, Columbia, Maryland. Members present were Kevin McAliley, Chair (arrived at 6:40pm); Stephen Mowatt, Vice Chair, Bess Caplan, Bill Santos; Laura Torres, Nancy McCord, Columbia Council Rep; Kristin Shulder, Village Manager, and Carole Black, Board Secretary. Also present were Lela Sewell-Williams, Columbia Archives Manager; Kimberly and Dwight Etheridge; and Rev. Brian Akers, Oneness Center for Spiritual Living.
Ms. Shulder requested the addition of a cul-de-sac beautification grant application from Homecoming Lane.
- Ms. Caplan made a motion, seconded by Mr. Mowatt, to approve the amended agenda for July 1, 2019. All in favor.
- Ms. Caplan made a motion, seconded by Mr. Mowatt, to approve the minutes of June 3, 2019. All in favor.
SPECIAL GUEST: Lela Sewell-Williams, Columbia Archives Manager
Ms. Sewell-Williams presented information about a newsletter digitization project called “Preserving and Presenting Voices from the Past”, using original newsletters from the beginning of Columbia. She asked the Board for a letter of support for this project.
Resident Speakout
There were no residents who wished to speak out.
Request for Free Use: Oneness Center for Spiritual Living
Rev. Akers asked for free use to provide a holiday dinner on November 26 for those in need.
- Ms. Caplan made a motion, seconded by Ms. Torres, to approve free use of Slayton House on November 26 for a holiday dinner. All in favor.
FY2019 4th Quarter Financial Report
- Mr. Mowatt made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan, to approve the FY2019 4th Quarter Financial Report. All in favor.
Convert HCC Scholarship to Endowment
The Board discussed different fundraising ideas.
- Ms. McCord made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan, to convert the HCC scholarship to an endowment. All in favor.
Donation to Columbia Housing Center in Memory of Jane Dembner
- Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan, to donate $100 to the Columbia Housing Center in memory of Jane Dembner. All in favor.
Discussion: Vista Wilde Lake Outreach
The Board agreed to attend the Vista barbeque to connect with residents.
Request for Cul-de-sac Beautification Grant Reimbursement: Homecoming Lane
- Ms. Caplan made recommendations on the use of native and non-invasive plants and to replace any trees removed with shade trees.
- Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Mr. Santos, to approve a reimbursement of up to $200 for materials to Homecoming Lane, including the recommendation for plantings. All in favor.
Archives Letter of Support
- Ms. McCord made a motion, seconding by Mr. Mowatt to send a letter of support to the Columbia Archives for their newsletter digitization project.
Columbia Council Rep: Ms. McCord noted that there was some misinformation out regarding the CA Board’s plans regarding the Community Benefit Association (CBA) issue. This was not included as the top five priorities for the Board this year.
AC Liaison: A written report was submitted. Ms. Torres provided additional details.
Wilde Lake CARES:
Ms. Caplan noted that there will be a meeting for the steering committee on July 11 at Starbucks. There will be a native plant exchange on September 21 at Slayton House.
Education: Mr. Santos noted that in the HCPSS feasibility study, predictions are for overcrowding at Bryant Woods Elementary. It also includes a proposal to redistrict Faulkner Ridge to Longfellow Elementary. He recommended inviting school board members to the September Village Board meeting, and possibly have a community meeting on the schools in August.
Health and Wellness: Ms. Torres reported that there will be free outdoor yoga at Slayton House on National Night Out on August 6. There will also be a Zumba demo at the Wilde Lake picnic.
Neighborhood Reps: Mr. Mowatt reported that the survey was ready to go live.
Manager: The Property Standards Evaluator has begun doing inspections.
Chair: Mr. McAliley reported that he visited the farm at the Howard County Ecology Institute. They are interested in connecting with WLMS.
- Mr. Santos made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan, to adjourn the meeting at 9:10pm. All in favor.
Submitted by
Carole Black
Board Secretary