Village Board Meeting: August 2, 2021

CLOSED SESSION: Interview Applicant for Village Board Vacancy

A virtual meeting of the Wilde Lake Village Board was called to order by Kevin McAliley, Chair, on August 2, 2021, at 6:34pm in a Zoom meeting. Members present were Kevin McAliley, Laura Torres, Tracey Manning (arrived at 6:40pm); Tina Horn, Columbia Council Rep (by phone, left meeting at 7:15pm);  Kristin Shulder, Village Manager; Carole Black, Board Secretary. Also present were Lakey Boyd, CEO/ President, Columbia Association; Melissa Peyton, Running Brook Elementary  School; Elizabeth Lopez; and Megan Williams, Special Assistant to County Executive Calvin Ball.


Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Manning, to appoint Elizabeth Lopez to the 2021-2022 Wilde Lake Village Board. All in favor.

SPECIAL GUEST: Lakey Boyd, Columbia Association President/CEO

Ms. Boyd encouraged Board members to provide input on any concerns an issues in Wilde Lake. She provided information on initiatives to reconnect with residents and changes to the budget cycle to allow more community input and reflect priorities.


Ms. Manning made a motion, seconded by Ms. Torres, to approve the agenda for August 2, 2021. All in favor.


Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Manning, to approve the minutes of July 12, 2021. All in favor.


There were no residents who wished to speak out.


Donation Request: Running Brook Elementary School

Melissa Peyton, a 5th grade teacher at Running Brook Elementary School, was requesting a donation to purchase supplies for a parking spaces painting project at the school. Although the Board was unable to donate funds at this time, they offered to help advertise the project in the newsletter for anyone in the community who would like to help.

Wilde Lake High School Boosters Sponsorship

The Board was unable to donate funds at this time but wanted to request that the banner remain up this year, and, if funds became available later in the year, this donation request would be revisited.

RAC Appointment

Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Manning, to appoint Genie Wessel to the RAC for 2021-22.

Designate Bank Signatory

Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Manning, to appoint Kevin McAliley as the bank signatory.

Revised FY2021 4th Quarter Financial Report

Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Manning, to accept the revised FY2021 4th Quarter Financial Report. All in favor.

CA FY2023 Budget Requests

This item was tabled until the September meeting.

Chesapeake Bay Trust Community Engagement and Restoration Grant Program

Ms. Manning, co-Chair of Wilde Lake CARES, explained the grant, which is for the restoration, outreach and education of the environment. Ms. Manning and Ms. Caplan, who also co-chairs the committee, felt that a walkable watershed program would be eligible for the grant. They would like to gain support from CA, the CA Watershed Advisory Committee and the Village Board.

Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Lopez, to support the grant application for this program.

Discussion: Village Board Vacancy

The Board discussed ways to encourage residents to apply to be on the Village Board, including posting videos from Board members. The Board also discussed updating the job description and reaching out to Wilde Lake HOAs for possible candidates.


Columbia Council Rep: No report.


Wilde Lake CARES: Ms. Manning reported that she and Co-Chair Bess Caplan developed two initiatives:

1.A walkable watershed program like Oakland Mills’ Yards Alive program. They will highlight yards that have native plants and environmental gardens. They will create a Google map to highlight yards and gardens.

2.An HOA outreach program to contact HOAs and offer environmentally friendly landscaping plans.

Megan Williams offered assistance in working with the HOAs.

Health and Wellness – Ms. Torres is planning a yoga event in September for the Wilde Lake “Backyard Bash” and a bike ride on September 25.

AC Liaison:  Ms. Torres expressed concerns about unapproved alterations. The issue  will be on the next agenda for discussion.

This will be on the next agenda for discussion.

Manager: Ms. Shulder reported that two groups applied for the block party grants.

Chair: Mr. McAliley reminded all board members to share any concerns or issues with the rest of the Board. He also welcomed Ms. Lopez to the Board.


Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Manning,  to adjourn at 9:04pm. All in favor.


Submitted by

Carole Black

Board Secretary


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