A virtual meeting of the Wilde Lake Village Board was called to order via Zoom by Kevin McAliley, Chair, on February 1, 2021 at 6:31pm. Members present were Kevin McAliley, Chair; Laura Torres, Vice Chair, Steven Campbell, Bess Caplan, Jeff Friedhoffer, Nancy McCord, Columbia Council Rep; Kristin Shulder, Village Manager, and Carole Black, Board Secretary. Also present were Dan Burns and Marty Oltmanns, Columbia Association; Wilde Lake residents Scott Musser, Bill Santos, Margaret Jessell, Bruce Johnson, and Ted Cochran; Lyn Locke, Town Center Village Manager; Town Center Village Board members Lynn Foehrkolb and Joel Broida.
Ms. Caplan made a motion, seconded by Mr. Campbell, to approve the agenda for February 1, 2021. All in favor.
Ms. Caplan made a motion, seconded by Ms. Torres, to approve the amended minutes of January 11, 2021. All in favor.
Discussion: Wilde Lake Pools and CA FY2022 Draft Budget
Dan Burns, CA Director of f Sports and Fitness, explained that a decision was made to keep Faulkner Ridge Pool closed this summer and have Running Brook Pool open. This was based on feedback from residents. There will be 90 minutes reservation blocks at all the open pools this summer to accommodate social distancing.
Discussion: New Town Visioning
Ms. Torres, who attended the 7 sessions for this program, provided an overview of what was discussed. Housing is an important issue, as far as types of housing and providing for affordable housing, as development continues. Transportation was also an important issue that was discussed.
Discussion: Wilde Lake Stream Restoration
Mr. McAliley explained that stream restoration is now going on in Harper’s Choice. Due to increased streambed erosion in Wilde Lake, Mr. McAliley has been trying to get funds for stream restoration in Wilde Lake. He has contacted CA Open Space but has not been successful in getting them to address this issue. Ms. Caplan noted that this should be addressed by the County, since it is not really a CA issue.
Columbia Council Rep: Ms. McCord reported that CA is still working on the draft FY2022 budget. The CA Board will vote at the second meeting in February.
Wilde Lake CARES: Ms. Caplan reported that she is working on two events: a weed warrior event on April 24 at Wilde Lake Park and Columbia Cleans on May 1 at Faulkner Ridge Pool. They are hoping to have a tree giveaway in the Fall.
Education: No report.
Health and Wellness: February is Heart Health month.
Neighborhood Reps: Mr. Campbell is working on joining the neighborhood rep program with neighborhood watch.
AC Liaison: The RAC continues to meet via Zoom.
Manager: Ms. Shulder reported that she and Carole Black met with the election co-chairs and discussed 2 options for getting signatures on the petition. The nomination period begins February 17. Ms. Shulder and Mr. McAliley will meet with a reporter from the Washington Post for a “Where We Live” story on Wilde Lake.
Chair: Mr. McAliley will attend HoCo by Design, which is planning for the county for the next 20 years.
Mr. Friedhoffer made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan, to adjourn the meeting at 8:14pm. All in favor.
Submitted by
Carole Black
Board Secretary
Approved 03/01/21
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