A regular meeting of the Wilde Lake Village Board was called to order by Kevin McAliley, Chair, on April 2, 2018 at 6:30pm at Slayton House, Columbia, Maryland. Members present were Kevin McAliley, Chair; Jeff Friedhoffer, Vice Chair; Bess Caplan; Wulah Cooper; Laura Torres; Nancy McCord, Columbia Council Rep; and Kristin Shulder, Village Manager. Also present were Tom and Ginger Scott, Harry Dunbar and Linda Odum.
- Mr. Friedhoffer made a motion, seconded by Ms. Torres, to approve the agenda for April 2, 2018. All in favor.
- Ms. Caplan made a motion, seconded by Mr. Friedhoffer, to approve the minutes of March 19, 2018. All in favor.
Resident Speakout
- Ginger Scott distributed written information regarding a proposal for CA to change the policy on roving beer carts at Fairway Hills Golf Course. The CA Board will discuss the policy at its April 12 work session. Ms. Scott asked the Board to support the current policy of selling beer at the clubhouse but not on the course. Ms. McCord added that CA staff is looking into what is allowed under the existing liquor license.
- Harry Dunbar, former Oakland Mills Village Board and CA Board member, introduced himself. He is a candidate for Howard County Executive. He is interested in getting input from the Village Boards regarding resident needs.
RAC Appointment
- Mr. Friedhoffer made a motion, seconded by Mr. Cooper, to appoint Linda Odum to the RAC. All in favor.
401K Plan Modification
- Ms. McCord made a motion, seconded by Ms. Torres, to support the modification to the existing 401K plan waiting period as proposed by CA. All in favor.
Columbia Council Representative
- Ms. McCord is focused on working to improve the CA-Village relationship for the next Board term. She would like to have more educational sessions to train Board members to be better Board members.
AC Liaison
- Ms. Caplan signed off on applications while Mr. Friedhoffer was unavailable, including one disapproval for a large shed.
Committee Reports
- Education – No report.
- Wilde Lake CARES – Cleanup re-scheduled for Saturday, April 7 at Faulkner Ridge Neighborhood Center. 19 applicants for tree giveaway. CA purchased 20 trees. WLCA will buy compost & mulch. Plant Exchange is scheduled for Sunday, April 29, 10am-1pm at the Barn at Wilde Lake Park.
- Health & Wellness – Starting to talk to residents who are interested in serving on the committee. Information will be in the upcoming e-newsletter to introduce the committee.
Manager’s Report
Ms. Shulder distributed a copy of the WLCA Policy Regarding Endorsing Political Candidates and reminded members to be mindful of policy during the election season. Ms. Shulder reported that latest version of the Management Contract from CA no longer changes “assessment share” to “Village grant” but to “Annual Charge Share.”
Board Chair
Mr. McAliley provided an update on the Downtown to Wilde Lake multi-use pathway. Howard Hughes has reached the milestone required to start building the pathway but it will probably be delayed because of a County pipeline project planned in the next 1-2 years.
The Board discussed the possibility of holding a candidates’ forum for District 4 County Council candidates before the primary election (June 26). Kristin will check theatre availability in
Ms. McCord made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan, to adjourn at 7:52pm.. All in favor.
Submitted by
Carole Black
Board Secretary
Approved 04/16/18
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