Wilde Lake Resale Packets

Columbia and the Village of Wilde Lake are covenant-protected communities — a fact that sellers are required to disclose to purchasers upon the transfer of property within Wilde Lake. This information is most fully disclosed when the Wilde Lake and Columbia Association resale documents are provided to the purchaser by the seller of a property.

To download the resale documents at no cost, please click on the links below (Adobe Reader required). Please note that you must download both the Wilde Lake- and Columbia Association-specific documents. Both sets of documents are updated annually.

Wilde Lake Resale Documents

Columbia Association Resale Documents

Potential Sellers: if you are selling property in Wilde Lake, please also request a Letter of Compliance (Adobe Reader required). This document provides your prospective purchaser with confirmation that the property they are buying is in compliance with the Covenants. If violations exist, they will be noted and you will be given the opportunity to correct them in order to bring the property into compliance.

Potential Purchasers: WLCA suggests that you request a Letter of Compliance from the seller. Uncorrected violations become the responsibility of the new owners to correct when they purchase the property.

If you prefer, you may purchase a resale packet including all documents for a total cost of $25.00 during business hours at Slayton House, 10400 Cross Fox Lane, Columbia, MD 21044. Please call 410-730-3987 with any questions.