Wilde Lake Village Board Meeting
November 7, 2022
A virtual meeting of the Wilde Lake Village Board was called to order by Kevin McAliley, Chair, on November 7, 2022, at 6:31 p.m. in a Zoom meeting. Members present were Kevin McAliley, Tina Horn, Vice Chair; Bill Santos, Wilde Lake Rep to the CA Board; Chuck Yarbrough, Steve Campbell, Tracey Manning, Wilde Lake CARES; and Dale Wasmus, administrative assistant.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Ms. Tina Horn made a motion to approve the Agenda with an Amendment to include
discussion and consideration of a draft letter in support of Ms. Lakey Boyd, CA President. Mr. Chuck Yarbrough seconded the motion. All in favor.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Chuck Yarbrough made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from 10/3/22.
Mr. Steve Campbell seconded the motion. All in favor.
RESIDENT SPEAKOUT: No residents wanted to speak.
Wilde Lake CARES Report: Tracey Manning previously submitted her written report. A few highlights include:
WL & HC CARES Team Up Event was held on 10/9/22 to remove invasives from areas where the two villages meet. WL CARES sponsored Plant & Pull days at each of our Adopt-a-Spots on 10/23 and 10/29/22. Tracey thanked Kevin for his participation. Ms. Manning stated that WL CARES would like to purchase native plants for the spring plant exchange. Mr. Campbell asked Ms. Manning about the types of plants they would like to have and also the cost amount. Ms. Manning stated that she is not sure how much money is needed. They would give away plugs and not huge plants. She will investigate pricing.
*CA Watershed Advisory Committee Reappointment: Ms. Horn made a motion to reappoint Susan Tucker to the CA Watershed Advisory Committee. Mr. Yarbrough seconded the motion. All in favor.
*Wilde Lake High School Band Boosters Club request for sponsorship: Mr. McAliley stated that this request is from the Band Boosters Club and not the same Boosters Club the WLVB approved a donation to in September 2022. Ms. Horn made a motion to support the Wilde Lake High School Band Boosters Club request for sponsorship at the $500 level. Mr. Yarbrough seconded the motion. All in favor.
Update from Bill Santos about the CA Board of Directors. Mr. Santos discussed the fact that some of the CA Board of Directors want to remove Ms. Lakey Boyd as the President and CEO of Columbia Association.
*RAC Appointment: Ms. Lexi Milani requested to have Genie Wessel reappointed to the Resident Architectural Committee (RAC). Mr. Campbell made a motion to reappoint Genie Wessel to the RAC. Ms. Horn seconded the motion. All in favor.
*Request for 15 Day Notice & ARC Resolution: 10326 Daystar Court. Ms. Horn made a motion to send the 15 Day Notice to the homeowner while granting Mr. Kevin McAliley and Wilde Lake Village Staff permission to send these notices to the tenants as well as the homeowner. Mr. Yarbrough seconded the motion. All in favor.
Discussion of Kimco Village Green application: Covenant Advisor Lexi Milani submitted background information regarding this discussion. The WLVB members present discussed the situation and will not pursue a retro-active application but will request a conversation with Kimco.
*WLCA FY2023 1ST Quarter Financial Report: The Financial Report was shared on the Google Drive. Ms. Horn made a motion to approve the FY2023 1ST Quarter Financial Report. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion. All in favor.
*WLCA 2023 Holiday Schedule: Ms. Horn made a motion to approve the WLCA 2023 Holiday Schedule. Mr. Yarbrough seconded the motion. All in favor.
Columbia Council Rep: For the next several weeks Mr. Santos indicated that the CA BOD are working on the FY24 Budget. CA staff have been busy preparing the numbers. Mr. Santos also indicated that some members of the CA BOD have proposed a secret ballet component to vote. Ms. Boyd is not for this, and neither is Mr. Santos.
Education: Ms. Horn shared that the Wilde Lake High School Marching Band won a competition. WLHS is sponsoring a Community Night on Thursday, November 10, 2022.
Neighborhood Reps: Mr. Yarbrough inquired about obtaining a new domain name for Wilde Lake Community Association and having other generic email addresses for the Wilde Lake Village Board members.
AC Liaison: Mr. Campbell stated that the RAC report was added to the Google Drive prior to this meeting.
Village Update: In the Village Manager’s absence, both Lisa Kim, Events Manager; and Lisa Juranic, Facilities Manager; submitted their updates via Google Drive prior to this meeting.
Chair: Mr. McAliley previously submitted his written report on the Google Drive.
ADJOURNMENT: Ms. Horn made a motion to adjourn the meeting at approximately 8:15 p.m. Mr. Yarbrough seconded the motion. All in favor.