Village Board Meeting February 7, 2022



February 7, 2022

CALL TO ORDER: A virtual meeting of the Wilde Lake Village Board was called to order by Mr. McAliley, Chair, on February 7, 2022 at approximately 6:30 pm in a Zoom meeting. Members in attendance were Kevin McAliley, Chair; Laura Torres, Vice Chair; Elizabeth Lopez, Tracey Manning, Davon Wright, Tina Horn, Wilde Lake Representative to the CA Board, and Kristin Shulder, Village Manager. Also in attendance was Dale Wasmus, Administrative Assistant, taking minutes. 

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Ms. Torres made a motion to approve the Agenda for February 7, 2022 as submitted. Mr. Wright seconded the motion. All in favor.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ms. Manning made a motion to approve the January 10, 2022 meeting minutes. Mr. Wright seconded the motion. All in favor. 

SPECIAL GUEST:  Greg Reed, Kimco Realty, Vice President of Development. Attending the meeting with Mr. Reed was Danielle Johnson, Property Manager; Jenna Mielke, Director of Leasing; Mike Ogden, Director of Development. Mr. Reed gave an update on the Wilde Lake Village Center.  Kimco offered a new structured deal to David’s Natural Market to allow it to stay for now. Kimco hired a broker, H & R Retail, to help find tenants. The struggle is ongoing to find a tenant for the former Melting Pot space. The space is old and will have to be sprinklered before any tenants can move in. Another deterrent is the fact that this building does not have an elevator. Members of the WLVB asked questions about the Village Center.

RESIDENT SPEAKOUT:  There were no residents who wanted to speak.


  • Request for donation from Wilde Lake High School PTSA. Ms. Matta Zeinali, WLHS PTSA President, attended the meeting to ask for a donation for an after prom event. Open discussion followed. Ms. Torres made a motion to approve a donation in the amount of $1,000. Ms. Manning seconded the motion. All in favor.
  • RAC Appointment. Mr. McKinney introduced Running Brook resident Patricia DeJarnett. Ms. DeJarnett attended a prior RAC meeting and expressed interest in serving on the RAC. Ms. Torres made a motion to move forward with appointing Ms. DeJarnett as the sixth member of the RAC. Ms. Manning seconded the motion. All in favor.  
  • Request for Free Use: CA Climate Change & Sustainability Advisory Committee. Tim Lattimer, Chair, CA CCSAC, asked for free use of Slayton House to present the findings of the Climate Vulnerability Assessment on Saturday, March 5, with approximately 30 in attendance. Ms. Lopez made a motion to allow free use of Slayton House Theatre. Ms. Manning seconded the motion. All in favor.   
  1. Discussion: WLV 55th Anniversary: Howard County Government and Kimco Realty will hold a county event on June 25, 2022. The Kimco marketing team, Chris Ostrowski and Megan Hitchens will be working with Stephanie Wall from the Howard County executive’s office. WLCA will participate in a supportive role with this event. April 23 is Village Election Day and there will be a plant exchange, family bike ride and family earth day event. Mr. McAliley suggested going forward to include the 55th Anniversary on the agenda for five minutes. HC Drug Free will host a drug take back day on April 30.
  2. Discussion: CB9-2022 Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance: Ms. Shulder will follow-up with the vote tonight from Howard County Council. 


Wilde Lake Representative to the CA Board: The purchasing policy for using 12% of minority businesses was renewed for another ten years. There is movement on the Board to raise that percentage. There is a work session on 2/10/22 and Ms. Horn encourages all board members to attend CA’s Resident Speakout.


Wilde Lake CARES: They have been busy sending out hundreds of monthly newsletters and working on the plant exchange. Bess asked about the tree giveaway in September.

Health & Wellness: No report.

AC Liaison: Ms. Torres reported that January was a slower month with only two applications submitted. Both were accepted. 

Manager: Written report submitted.

Chair: Mr. McAliley encouraged Board members to do anything and everything they can to promote the Village elections. Ms. Lopez had an idea for the Board flier and suggested adding brief text to the other side of the flier outlining the responsibility of Board members. Ms. Lopez as well as Mr. Wright offered to hand deliver the fliers to the neighborhoods of Wilde Lake. Mr. McAliley is registered for the WLHS dinner & conversation event. Mr. McAliley has taken on a few new positions to include VP, Bike HoCo; Vice Chair, Howard County Planning Board and Co-Chair, Howard EcoWorks. 

ADJOURNMENT:  Ms. Lopez made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 pm. Mr. Wright seconded the motion. All in favor. 




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