CA Board Meeting November 12, 2020
Columbia Association Board of Directors Meeting
November 12, 2020
NANCY’S NOTES (Click here for the agenda and meeting packet.)
CA Board continues to meet remotely as the pandemic continues.
Resident Speakout
No residents joined the meeting.
Board Votes: Proposed Major Capital Projects in the Fiscal Year 2022 Budget
The meeting began by discussing some changes to the proposed FY2022 budget. There are more questions than answers. In FY2021, the Village Association annual charge shares were reduced. The Board would like to know if the money will be restored for the upcoming year.
It was suggested that Category 1 should be approved based on staff suggestions. Specifically,
- Columbia wide building energy retrofits
- Going green projects
- Columbia wide water quality improvements
- Watershed improvement projects.
The Board accepted unanimously Category 1 as suggested.
There were some who believe that the county should help maintain some of the items on the Category 2 capital requests list. Milton Mathews said that these are safety issues that need to be repaired and maintained.
There is uncertainty now due to the rising COVID-19 numbers. For that reason, as the Board works on the FY2022 budget, it cannot be certain that facilities will not have to shut down again for an unknown period. Therefore, the Board must be very conservative about how it will move forward financially.
A motion was made that, during this period of national health emergency, CA will only use funds for existing facilities for safety and critical maintenance otherwise CA will put on hold any new capital project. There are approved Category 1 expenditures, but for Category 2, this motion is intended to reduce expenditures that are not necessary.
Discussion ensued regarding Category 1 and Category 2. Expenses and income are supposed to balance. The Board was reminded that this is a budget. The budget can be cut again, once a potential reduction of income is determined, as happened during this fiscal year.
The Board also discussed tot lots and how to move forward with some in disrepair and some that need updated equipment. The Board had, in the past, talked about creating a tot lot policy. It is still being discussed. CA wants to address the safety issues of tot lots and staff will bring to the Board a tot lot policy for approval.
Category 3 expenditures were discussed. The Board adopted Category 2. Category 3 will be dealt with in the future.
The amount by which the annual charge will be diminished will not be known until the end of FY2021, which is April 30, 2021. It was suggested that if it falls less than the anticipated 8.3% then the difference should be returned to the Village Associations. However, on the other hand, a Board member suggested that if it drops below the 8.3% the Village Associations should lose the additional percentage.
Board Discussion: Most Recent Development Tracker
A 76-unit apartment on the corner of Freetown Road and Cedar Lane will provide affordable housing for disabled residents as well as seniors and family housing. So far, this project is going well.
Board Discussion: Capital Projects and Open Space Updates
There have been a few tot lot refurbishments. White Cord Way and College Square got new bridges. Lake Elkhorn is being dredged. It is a $750k project. These are ongoing intermediate projects, so there will not be as many expensive projects as there were several years ago. The Other Barn had some interior upgrades. Hawthorn Center had a kitchen remodel.
Open Space staff is working on a demonstration project for lawns. Next year, homeowners will be able to see how the various seeds are doing and if they are more suitable than other seeds. |
Happy Thanksgiving to all. Please stay safe.
Nancy McCord